With the Ultimate Home Refrigeration Food Protection Package, You will receive 1 Keep Food Fresher Longer Bag along with 2 VegieFresh Bags. This will protect your Food for 90 Days.
The Environmental Protection Agency determined in 2013 that 35 million tons of food were wasted that year in the U.S. and approximately 95% of it ended up in landfills. Today, food waste makes up well over 20% of waste, a larger percentage than metal, plastic or glass. It is the single largest source of waste. And when that waste decomposes it puts out methane which is 20x worse than CO2 contributing to climate change.
By spending less than $10 month, you can expect to save between $30 and $50 each and every month…
FOODFRESH and VEGIEFRESH have been successfully used in commercial markets for more than a decade now… RD FRESH has clients such as FLORIDA’S BOCA WEST COUNTRY CLUB (the #1 CC in the US) for more than a decade now, as well JAMES BEARD AWARD WINNING CHEFS LIKE GABRIEL RUCKER in Portland Oregon.
We will help you serve a fresher, safer, healthier product to your family, and will always save you money. And more than just keeping food waste from the landfills, as a zero-footprint, 100% recyclable to the planet product, it is also good for the environment…